Legend Of The Lost

I'm a Technical Writer

Lately, I’ve been reading a lot lately on what Technical Writing is as a profession.

After perusing through the comments, I’ve heard that all technical writing should follow the black triangle method, or the Agile method, or be horrified with existential fear over how it’s inherently a waterfall approach in an agile world.

So, I’m going to lay all my cards on the table.

I’m twenty four and some change. 🎵Toss a coin (half-dollar) 🎵if it really matters to you.

According to Fravia +, my opinion really isn’t that valuable.

But hey! I got a platform, a keyboard and maybe something to contribute!

Again. This is from my perspective.

Technical Writing

It is not a group of lifers who are trying to drag out their tenure as long as possible.

It is not a team of QA folks who are trying to cozy up with Product management.

It is not a group of English majors who are looking to break into tech.

Sure, I think that there are facets of the technical writing crystal where shards of the aforementioned examples can be true. Places where Bruenors or Drizzts need to fight against insidious whispers of corporate morass.

But I’d hope that one faulty dependency doesn’t invalidate the entire stack.

You see, from the basest level of things, I’ve always understood technical writers to be the IT kiddos who were sent to #RTD(ReadTheDocs) whenever a printer jammed. Or maybe they’re the kids that were pestered in their business classes whenever a mac needed to run bootcamp with a Windows license because some professor needed help.

We’re the people who come first, hat in hand, asking someone for help.

Then, we turned around and helped anyone else with questions.

It’s a desire to help, not a methodology.

[aside] See what I did there? I’m part of your friend group now.

I made a subtle cultural reference to The Forgotten Realms, empathized with a hypothetic and nostalgic kiddo anecdote and then put forth my very personal agenda.

Can’t be impartial here. Especially when my butt is on the line.

Be patient.

I’m a technical writer and I’m trying my best.